We understand that you need to know the position of people, resources, and assets. Lansitec hardware is affordable, and features small, thin, light, long battery-life, and accurate location. Not only do we combine the technologies below, but our software, algorithms, and design ensures the best results.
Lansitec is a technology-driven company providing cutting-edge active people and asset tracking products and services. i.e., trackers, gateways and bridges, beacons and tags, and related accessories like sensors. Just meeting your current needs is only the start, as Lansitec constantly reviews and participates in the latest innovations, including LoRa, NB-IoT, LTE-M, UWB, BLE, GNSS, MEMS sensors, AI, and battery developments to excel, lead, and brings you the most advanced products. Our philosophy is constant research and innovation to ensure the best product and service.
Lansitec software features allows the best possible hardware results:
Flexible configuration such as report intervals, device on and off as required, and FOTA functions.
Solar BLE gateways and wireless battery-powered UWB solutions for ease of deployment.
The helmet sensor includes indoor and outdoor positioning, AI-powered detection alarm, and step counts.
Our extensive information on specifications, datasheets, case studies, application notes, SDK, payload encoder and decoder, demonstrates suitability for all kinds of client requirements, software platforms, system integrators, and end users.
We value product quality: Lansitec designs the product to be flawless and they are manufactured to ISO9001 standards.
Whether you need to track people, resources, or assets in construction sites, mines, hospitals, parking lots, or factories, or if you just want to learn more about the latest LPWAN, tracking technology, we are here for you.
Please contact us anytime. We look forward to hearing from you.
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