DL-TBRG | Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge for LoRaWAN®
The tipping bucket rain gauge generates a pulse every time it senses 0.1 mm of water. Therefore, one pulse equals 0.1 mm rainfall. The device counts all these pulses. In regular intervals, usually after 10 minutes, the device reports three values: the number of pulses (precipitation) during the last interval, the duration of the interval in seconds and the total accumulated number of pulses (precipitation) since the last reset. The accumulated precipitation is very useful for reporting the amount of rain water over long periods. Moreover, the accumulated precipitation allows to calculate precipitation even for periods when no data could be transmitted to the network.
Sensor data are transmitted in real-time using LoRaWAN® radio technology. LoRaWAN® enables encrypted radio transmissions over long distances while consuming very little power. The user can obtain sensor data through Decentlab’s data storage and visualization system, or through the user's own infrastructure. Visit www.decentlab.com for more information about Decentlab's data cloud service.