What was the problem?
In control rooms PCs should not be at the desk for security reasons. KVM technology makes it possible to move PCs to a Server Room. KVM technology also allows Sharing. So one PC (Keyboard-Video-Mouse) can be viewed from several locations. There can be a GDPR break if, for example, the user just writes an email.
What is KVM?
KVM devices come as transmitters and receivers. The receiver is at the desk, the transmitter at the PC. If using Virtual Machines, there is no transmitter. Black Box KVM devices run on IP technology in real time which also allows switching from PC1 to PC2
How did IoT help?
The Black Box IoT solution AlertWerks 3000 works with physical and virtual sensors. Physical sensors can be LoRaWAN, BLE or WiFi. Virtual Sensors can be of any kind of information from IT systems (for example SNMP). What makes AlertWerks 3000 unique is the ability to integrate with Black Box KVM and AV systems as well as PV equipment from Victron and Elgato Stream Deck.
How was it done?
A customer in Europe (not able to disclose, infrastructure energy provider) was running a control room using Black Box KVM technology to extend Keyboard, Video, Mouse signals for security reasons.
Black Box AlertWerks 3000 was added to the system now controlling the KVM system. Everytime AlertWerks 3000 detects a GDPR break a visual alarm (Lamp) is raised. So the user knows someone else is watching.
In addition power sensors and PING virtual sensors were added to alarm administrators of a possible system issue (predictive maintenance).