We help cities/companies/network owners go from idea to reality or from small scale to large scale. Often by experimenting with different sensors/visualizations in the first phase and finding the best sensor/interface for scale in the next step.
See senseview.se for a range of use cases that we have worked with so far.
We believe in the power of making small bets and experiments to find the optimal way of solving your customer’s needs and problems. We’re using innovation processes from some of the fastest growing companies in the world and combine that with our extensive experience of making IOT happen. We are committed to build a smarter society together with you.
We can support with both hardware (custom made solutions or configurations/sourcing of sensors) and specific software interfaces or integrations.
As a results of working with us our customers can decrease the time between idea and realized IOT projects. Our customers are building more secure cities, better service for customers/inhabitants, decreased transportation and more efficient work processes.